Hiring for hope

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Job Angels Program

Job Angels Program

A simple act of kindness can change a person's entire outlook and even their life. A situation that once seemed dismal and hopeless is suddenly hopeful again.

“In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us.” - Flora Edwards

Our JobAngels Program puts this powerful concept into action. As a participant, you will become part of a grassroots movement that is dedicated to bringing people together in a virtual community where each person commits to a single goal - - helping just one person find gainful employment. That person can be a friend, a family member, a colleague or a complete stranger.

Altruism is Cool!

This simple and effective world renowned employment networking concept takes place inside our Voices of Hope online support and networking community. Within it you will find more than 40,000 members who are already busy helping each other find gainful employment.

You will find four main groups interacting in this community:

  • 1) Like minded people who have come together to pay-it-forward
  • 2) Career professionals and individuals who are dedicated to altruistically helping others
  • 3) People who are seeking the help they need
  • 4) Employers/business partners that are interested in becoming a part of solving the unemployment challenges facing our society

Because of the robust selection of web 2.0 tools, technology, and mainstream social media functionality that is now available within Voices of Hope, connecting, collaborating, communicating, sharing, and assisting other JobAngels members is now easier and more effective than ever before. Voices of Hope easily links with many of the popular mainstream social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, so expanding your network and helping someone out has never been easier or faster.

Hiring for Hope Job Angel

The only requirement for becoming a Hiring for Hope JobAngel is an altruistic passion for aiding those around you. To date, our JobAngels participants have sent over 2.5 million messages of encouragement, job postings, networking and feedback to those in need. As a result, nearly 1,700 people (that we know of) have found gainful employment by participating in this grassroots movement.

To become part of this movement just click the green button below.

I want to be a job angel


Create and provide HOPE to others by helping us to spread the word about our JobAngels program. Just copy and paste the code in the right window to display the graphic on the left.

JobAngels Widget
JobAngels Widget
JobAngels Widget
JobAngels Widget
501(c)3 Tax-Exempt Public Charity