How can I help?
If you are interested in taking advantage of a unique way of
- Having fun
- Enhancing your own skill set
- Sharing your current skills with others
- Filling a gap in your work history
- Getting and keeping yourself off the couch
- Meeting new friends as you also make a meaningful and lasting positive impact in your community then you will enjoy becoming a member of our Volunteers for Hope Team.
Hiring for Hope is a national organization who has an active presence in international social media and is also hard at work in communities across the United States. Our staff and volunteer team is comprised of a significant number of Human Resources and Operations executives that understand and appreciate the critical nature of building, motivating, rewarding, and retaining a solid volunteer team in order to be able to achieve our mission.
As a member of our Volunteers for Hope Team, you will have the opportunity to choose from several different flexible opportunities that are designed to fit a diverse range of time commitment and skills. Because we operate our own social network, we have a large number of unique "virtual volunteer opportunities" that are available in addition to more traditional volunteer roles. As long as your primary language is English and you have your own computer and dependable internet access, you may volunteer with us from anywhere in the world. Once you become a member of our team you will be able to help us achieve our mission by doing one or more of the following:
- Spreading the word
- Educating others
- Getting involved
- Donating your time, energy, talents, contacts, and resources
If you would like to volunteer, with us please take a few minutes to communicate your interest to us by clicking the green "Join Volunteers for Hope " button located on this page and fill out our short volunteer questionnaire. Once we receive your information, someone from our organization will contact you to discuss our volunteer program and match your skill sets, interests, and desired time commitment with the right opportunity.

Become a Virtual Fundraiser / Event Coordinator
Would you like to utilize your network of contacts to help us achieve our mission by raising funds for us as a Hiring for Hope Virtual Fundraiser and/or Event Coordinator? Hiring for Hope has partnered with FirstGiving (, an online service that makes it easy for anyone to help us achieve our mission by creating a free and secure personal fundraising/event coordination page. FirstGiving’s flexible tools can be customized to support both virtual and traditional fundraising events. Creating a personal online page in order to fundraise in support of Hiring for Hope requires minimal technical knowledge, and will only take a few minutes of your time.
- If you would like to learn more about what is entailed in the quick process of creating your own personal page, click the green button below that says: "Virtual Fundraising/Event Pages Tutorial" to view a tutorial on this topic. In addition, feel free to also download our "Virtual Fundraising Tips Sheet" also available below.
- To begin the process of creating your own fundraising page, simply click the FirstGiving button below that says: "Raise Money/Coordinate An Event Online Now!", and you will be taken directly to our Hiring for Hope FirstGiving Home Page.
Get Involved
Following are a list of ways that you can get involved: 
- We are currently recruiting and evaluating individuals from the medical community to become members of our Medical Advisory Board (MAB). If you are interested or know someone who is, please contact our President and Founder Tegan Acree, via email by clicking here
- Participate in our Hiring Incentive Program
- Influence your organization to participate in our Corporate Cup Challenge as outlined in our Business Partnerships For Hope Program
- Become a virtual volunteer. Virtual volunteer opportunities include but are not limited to the following:
- Social Media Brand/Awareness Ambassador (SMBAA)
- Career Coach (VCC)
- Recruiter (VR)
- Account Executive (VAC)
- Mental Health Consultant (VMHC)
- Mock Interviewer (VMI)
- Resume Reviewer (VRR)
- Medical Consultant (VMC)
- Virtual Adoption Assistance Consultant (VAAC)
- Virtual Fundraiser/Event Coordinator (VFEC)
- Social Network Monitor (SNM)
- Social Network Group Leader (SNGL)
- Marketing and media relations
- Join our volunteer social network Voices of Hope and coordinate and/or participate in awareness/fundraising events with other volunteers. To learn more about this process and take advantage of some insightful event planning success tips and ideas, please download the "Fundraising/Awareness Event Tool Kit".
coming soon!
Donate Your Time, Energy, Talents, Contacts and Resources
Your willingness to donate HOPE to the populations we serve will make a difference and is greatly appreciated. We rely heavily on the generosity of our supporters in order to provide our services and fund our Brave Little Soul Grant Program. Some of the donation opportunities include:
- Sponsor a Brave Little Soul Grant
- Donate your Hiring Incentive Program referral earnings back to Hiring For Hope
- Donate financial assistance via any of the options provided on the Donate Hope section of our web site. Increase the impact of your donation by checking to see if your employer participates in a Matching Gift Program. If they do, you may be able to double the impact of your tax deductible donation. To download our Online Fundraising Tips Sheet click the green button that is located on the Donate Hope page of our website.
- Fulfill one of the items on our Wish List. To view our Wish List in in its entirety please click the green wish list button below.

Spread the Word
Create and provide HOPE by sharing our services, social network, and web site with other organizations and individuals who can benefit from our services.
- Refer new clients
- Refer new business partners
- Refer job seekers in career transition
- Refer individuals and couples who have experienced the loss of a child and/or obstacles to building their families.
- Share your Hiring for Hope story and experience with the media
- Download and distribute our marketing brochures and spread the word about Hiring for Hope and our fee services within your local community, to your friends and family, medical and adoption facilities, career centers, place of worship and worksite. NOTE: If you choose to distribute them in a public place please make sure that you receive the appropriate authorization first.
- Become a member of our free volunteer social network Voices of Hope - Make new friends and enhance your relationship with your existing contacts by inviting them to join you in volunteering with us at the click of your computer mouse. As a member of Voices of Hope you will have the opportunity to network with other volunteers to organize and/or participate in an awareness/fundraising event and become a Voices of Hope Monitor and/or Group Leader.
- Send HOPE to a family member or friend by sending them a personalized e-mail using our "Send Hope" function that is available on every page of our web site.
- Become a Social Media Brand/Awareness Ambassador. Help us increase awareness and provide hope to even more people by sharing Hiring for Hope and our services with your online community. As a Social Media Brand/Awareness Ambassador you can assist us by doing one or more of the following activities:
- Facebook - Become a Hiring for Hope "Liker", link to us from your Facebook profile page, and send Hiring for Hope "page suggestions" to your Facebook friends.
- LinkedIn - Join our group on LinkedIn, reference us in your status updates on your LinkedIn profile page, list your volunteer experience with us in your profile.
- Twitter - Follow us on Twitter and "Tweet" about us using your Twitter account.
- YouTube - Share videos from our YouTube Channel. Remember to tag videos of your Hiring for hope experience so they’re easier for others to find.
- Slideshare - Share our Career Transition Workshops, Business Partnerships for Hope Program, Social Network Overview and Workforce Solutions Services presentations with your other Slideshare friends.
- Flickr - If you use Flickr, then share your Hiring for Hope experience with others by including a Hiring for Hope tag on your event photos.
- Social Media Share Button on our web site. Share HOPE with nearly 250 different major social media services via our Share function that is available on each page of our web site.
- Link to us from your personal blog and website, add our Hiring for Hope and Voices of Hope logos, as well as well as our Donate Hope buttons to your email signatures, blogs, and websites. Install our Donate Hope and Social Network buttons
on your electronic coorespondence and place them on your blog and website.
Copy and paste the code in the right window to display the graphic on the left.
Educate Others
Provide HOPE to our members by sharing your knowledge, skills, and talents with our members and volunteers by:
- Becoming a guest speaker in our educational webinar program
- Leading a networking group in our social network Voices of Hope
- Become a virtual career, medical, stress, or mental health consultant in our social network Voices of Hope
- Assume a leadership role in our organization and share your skill set by mentoring other volunteers and interns
Benefits of Volunteering
Membership has its privileges. Following are some of the benefits associated with joining our Volunteers for Hope Team.
- Have fun and make a meaningful and lasting difference in your community by helping us to fulfill our mission
- Choose from several different flexible opportunities that fit a diverse range of time commitment and skills.
- Volunteer virtually - no travel time and no set hours
- Build relationships that will last a lifetime
- Grow personally and professionally, and gain valuable work experience by learning and developing new skills
- Enjoy the opportunity to watch others grow when you share your own talents and skills
Voices of Hope Volunteer Social Network
Our Volunteer Voices of Hope social network is intended to serve as a catalyst for our volunteers to converse, connect, make new friends, and network as you invite your existing contacts to join you in volunteering at just a click of your computer mouse. As a member of Voices of Hope you will have the opportunity to control your desired level of privacy and provide HOPE to others by conducting customizable online fundraisers, networking with other volunteers to organize and/or participate in an awareness/fundraising event, using and "playing" with several multi-media applications and becoming a Voices of Hope Monitor and/or Group Leader.
Functionality includes the following:
- Ability to control your desired level or privacy
- Ability to connect directly with your Facebook and Twitter accounts and manage all your social media activity in one place
- Customizable individual home page
- Text/video chat
- Email
- Upload and share photos/videos
- Listen to music
- Collaborate with other HFH Volunteers by sharing documents and engaging in forum discussions
- Learn about new career opportunities
- Blog/journal
- Personal Fundraising/Event Coordination Pages through FirstGiving
- Give virtual gifts to your friends
For a detailed overview of the functionality available within Voices of Hope and a tutorial on how to use and leverage this tool most effectively for your individual needs to click the green "Learn More about Voices of Hope" button. Please make sure that you familiarize yourself with our Voices of Hope Community Guidelines by clicking the green button provided for this purpose below.
coming soon!